
DisplayLink kernel update on Manjaro

It's been a while that I use Manjaro, my laptop has two usb-c ports, one usb-a and one jack port. When I'm on my desk I'm connecting to a docking station, to handle all the display, usb stuff. (Message to myself: In a separate post, I write down my hardware, software and desktop setup, if I find the courage and don't forget to don't)

Recently I updated my system, during the update linux kernel also got updated, but the problem is that the linux-header packages aren't included in this update.

Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but since my docking station is DisplayLink device, so I need to install 2 packages from aur "evdi" and "display-link". (In the past I had some issues, so I installed "evdi-git")

systemctl status displaylink.service showed that there was an error, so the service couldn't start.

journalctl -xeu displaylink.service showed this specific issue modprobe: FATAL: Module evdi not found in directory /lib/modules/6.10.11-2-MANJARO

I tried to search on internet for a solution, some people using Arch were also having this issue, so they downgraded evdi to version 1.14.6 and it got fixed.

I removed evdi-git and displaylink(because evdi is a breaking dependency of displaylink package)

pamac remove evdi-git displaylink
pamac install evdi displaylink

During the installation of the packages, I noticed that the install process is calling

dkms install --no-depmod evdi/1.14.6 -k 5.15.167-1-MANJARO
dkms install --no-depmod evdi/1.14.6 -k 6.6.52-1-MANJARO

As you can see the evdi module didn't get installed for the last kernel.

I run the code myself using my latest kernel, I received this error message

dkms install --no-depmod evdi/1.14.6 -k 6.6.52-1-MANJARO

But got another error instead.

Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 6.10.11-2-MANJARO cannot be found at /usr/lib/modules/6.10.11-2-MANJARO/build or /usr/lib/modules/6.10.11-2-MANJARO/source

And the error also suggested that I install the linux-headers for that kernel version if I want to use it.

To get the installed versions package name I did pacman -Q | grep -e "linux6", this command returned all the packages installed that contained linux6

linux610 6.10.11-2
linux66 6.6.52-1
linux66-headers 6.6.52-1

So I run pacman -S linux610-headers, which executed dkms command with latest kernel version as well.

Then I run xrandr --listproviders, which didn't showed the monitors connected to docking station

Then I tried systemctl start displaylink.service, which started the service and I just saw that my laptop monitor flashed for a moment and my main monitor opened(but didn't showed anything yet).

Then I re-run xrandr --listproviders, now it showed my main monitor. So I finally got it working again.

This issue solved my displaylink problem on my Manjaro system. (Another message to myself: "write another blogpost about what I feel using displaylink")

Most of the commands are run with sudo.

Kind regards

date: 2024-10-09 11:00:00
tags: troubleshouting, reminder, manjaro, displaylink